Last night's full band is quite a success =)
Though abit of hiccups here and there..
But fret not~! all these can be inproved on =)
Like what Mr. Phua had said : "Please do sectionals, and rhythms"
To improve on that, the flutes was thinking to reach school at 5pm
next saturday for extra sectionals..
For those who can make it..Do join us early too~!
We can help one another with rhythms, intonations and ending TOGETHER..
Together is the word..
We shall improve TOGETHER.. as friends, as a team, as a band, as musicians..
We dont have much time left bandmates..
About 7 practices to the actual performance..
Motivate each other to come down for extra sectionals..
I hope to hear people saying : " Lets go down for sectionals together =) "
I believe all of you can do it~!
Jia you Jia you~!! Jia you~!!!
Jazs Signing off~