To all Alumni,
Mr Faizal came down last band practice and shared with us a piece of good news =)
The Band Directors’ Association Singapore (BDAS) is setting up a National Concert Band,
which will be named the National Youth Winds (NYW), consisting of school concert band members from around Singapore.
The Audition is on the 23 and 24th of this month and the application date ends tomorrow.
You have to be in between 15 - 25 of age and there is a application fee of $30.
For more details, please click here
Only Major Scales will be tested, till 4 sharps and 4 flats.
There is a reference here, which might help =)
You've to prepare a choice piece,
and a sight reading piece will be given by the BDAS at the audition.
For those who are participating 8 from the main band and 5 from the alumni,
all the best and jia yous~!!!
~~Jazs Signing Off
Labels: Announcements